EFMP Offices
Use the Resource Directory on this site for contact information on Air Force EFMP offices. For a complete listing, including maps and directions for EFMP points of contact, visit MilitaryHOMEFRONT’s MilitaryINSTALLATIONS directory. http://www.militaryinstallations.dod.mil/pls/psgprod/f?p=MI:ENTRY:0
EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program, administered by AFPC that works with the medical community and the key community agencies to identify Active Duty sponsors who have family members with special educational or medical needs.
The Air Force Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is designed to provide support to military family members with special needs. EFMP is offered by all branches of the military, and each Service includes a variety of personnel, medical, and family support functions under the EFMP umbrella. The portions of EFMP support that are provided by the AF Medical Service are known as EFMP-Medical (EFMP-M). EFMP-Family Support (EFMP-FS) is the community support component provided by Airman and Family Readiness Centers (A&FRCs). EFMP-M and EFMP-FS work together with the Assignments branch at the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) to provide comprehensive and coordinated medical , education, community support, housing, and personnel services to families with special needs. All three functions work with other military and civilian agencies to enhance the quality of life for families as they relocate around the world with their sponsors.
Additionally, EFMP-FS, EFMP-M, and EFMP-Assignments (EFMP-A) strive to ensure Air Force sponsors are assigned or employed in locations that support both the accomplishment of the mission and the well-being of families. There may come a time that a sponsor will be required to go unaccompanied.
The Family Member Relocation Clearance (FMRC) is mandatory for all family members traveling OCONUS and for all special needs family members traveling CONUS in conjunction with sponsor’s PCS. This process is used to ensure specialized care/services are available at the projected gaining location.
The Air Force defines a special medical need as any condition that cannot be resolved by a family practice physician and requires ongoing care or treatment by a specialist. Even if a patient is not currently receiving treatment but has a physical or emotional condition that may require medical care, he/she is considered to have a special need. Children with special educational needs are those from 3-21 whose schools have them on an Individualized Education Program (IEP), those from 0-3 years who have an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), or those who are being evaluated for special education, related services, or early intervention services.
Family Member Relocation Clearance (FMRC) is a mandatory process that the Air Force uses to screen all family members traveling overseas with their sponsors, as well as those family members with previously identified special medical and educational needs who are relocating within the continental United States (CONUS). The FMRC process follows these steps:
- Airman receives assignment notification and obtains FMRC paperwork during initial appointment with military personnel flight (MPF) for outbound assignments.
- At least six month prior to travel, Airman completes AF Form 1466(Request for Family Member’s Medical and Education Clearance for Travel) and AF Form 1466D (Dental Health Summary) for each family member over age 2. (Please note: Viewer Software 6.5 may be required to download Air Force forms. Visit the Viewer Software 6.5 Download Area page for additional information).
- Airman coordinates completion of DD 2792-1 by school/early intervention staff for each child with an IEP/IFSP.
- Airman coordinates completion of DD 2792 and appropriate addenda by medical care provider for each child with a special medical condition.
- FMRC coordinator at MTF meets with airman to review and help complete forms, schedules joint screening interview, and gathers medical records for all family members.
- Airman and all family members have joint screening appointment at MTF with special needs coordinator (SNC) and medical review officer (only the exceptional family member is required to attend if assignment is in CONUS).
- If special needs are identified, FMRC coordinator sends facility determination inquiry (FDI) to gaining MTF for determination (in coordination with DoDDS, if overseas).
- If needs can be met, FDI is returned within two weeks and assignment processing continues; if needs cannot be met at overseas assignment location, FDI is forwarded to the gaining MAJCOM Behavioral Health Consultant to find an alternate assignment.
- For EFMs not recommended for travel to a CONUS location, the FDI is returned to the FMRC coordinator who notifies the SNC and sponsor and forwards documentation to the MPF.
Enrollment Process
Enrollment in the EFMP is mandatory. Airmen are required to initiate enrollment at their MTF as soon as special needs are known without waiting for the FMRC process. Information on the DD 2792 and DD 2792-1 is used by the SNC in consultation with the medical reviewer to make enrollment decisions. Enrollment criteria is provided by the Air Force Operating Agency and based on DoD guidance. For a service member to become enrolled in the EFMP-M, the SNC must:
Initiate an assignment limitation code “Q” (by forwarding an authorization letter to the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) via the MPF)
Open a “special needs assignment coordination record” at the MTF
Enter identifying information into an electronic log, “Q-Base.”
To initiate enrollment of an Air Force family from another Service’s MTF, DD 2792 and DD 2792-1 should be completed and forwarded to the SNC at the Air Force MTF where the sponsor is assigned.
AF Form 4380, Air Force Special Needs Screener
AF Form 4380, Air Force Special Needs Screener is placed in the cover of the service member’s medical record at inprocessing is used to alert the SNC at the gaining MTF of a new Q-coded sponsor. The SNC ensures assignment coordination record is transferred in.
Enrollment Updates
The Air Force does not code specific disabilities or require service members to update their enrollment status. Instead, special needs are re-evaluated each time a service member receives reassignment notification. At these times, and also during routine health care, removal of the Q-Code and closure of the assignment coordination record may be initiated if the criteria for special needs is no longer present.
Assignment Considerations
The Air Force will authorize family travel for a Q-coded airman to any location overseas where the MTF, in coordination with DoDDS, indicates that medical and/or educational needs can be met. Reassignments within CONUS are based on the gaining MTF’s assurance that medical needs can be met. Airmen with exceptional family members are not exempt from unaccompanied assignments to remote locations and must remain worldwide qualified. Families whose sponsor takes an unaccompanied remote assignment with a follow-on assignment must be screened prior to the remote assignment and again within six months prior to traveling to the follow-on assignment. Air Force assignment options are sometimes limited by the service member’s occupational specialty. Airmen in this situation will often change specialties in order to better support the needs of their families.
Sources of Information about Air Force EFMP
Air Force families seeking information about EFMP should be referred first to the Air Force Special Needs Web site. For questions and concerns not addressed there, they may be referred to the special needs coordinator at the nearest Air Force MTF.