Thursday, January 13, 2022

Teach Social Skills to Children With Autism

In this blog post, we'll be talking about how you can teach your child social skills with the help of ABA therapy. We'll also discuss what social skills are and why they're essential to learn.

Why is it essential for children on the autism spectrum to learn social skills?

Social skills are the non-spoken communication skills we use in our day-to-day lives. This includes greetings, appropriate topics of conversation, and knowing when it is appropriate to touch another person. Children on the autism spectrum find social skills complex for various reasons, such as sensory processing differences, difficulty understanding social cues or facial expressions, and difficulty regulating emotions.

What is ABA therapy?

ABA therapy is a behavioral method of teaching different skills to autistic children. It has many benefits and is tailored to the individual child's needs. For example, it may involve working on social skills, such as saying hello or playing with others. ABA therapists work with parents or teachers to develop a curriculum for individual children that helps them learn how to behave appropriately in different situations.

With daily practice, the child will feel more comfortable in their environment, which will improve their overall quality of life. Social behavior is often a problem for children with autism spectrum disorders, and it is one of the focus areas of ABA therapy. An ABA therapist will use repetitive teaching and positive reinforcement with the child to teach social skills, like looking someone in the eye, shaking hands, and accepting or giving a hug.

Ways to use ABA therapy to teach social skills.

ABA therapy is often used to teach social skills to children with autism. It can be done one-on-one or within a group setting. First, two essential concepts must be earned before the therapy begins: "chaining" and "cueing." Chaining is where you link together certain behaviors to form a sequence. Cueing is when your child's behavior allows you to praise them for doing something correctly. Once the child masters these two concepts, it's time, to begin with, the therapy.

For example, let's say that you want your child to look at you before saying "Hello" when they greet someone. First, you would teach the child to look at you whenever they say, "Hello. " This is the chaining part. Then, you will praise when the child does this correctly a few times, which is the cueing part. Finally, you would have the child do this behavior in a varvarioustions and with various people.


The techniques taught in this blog are essential for children with autism to know for successful functioning in society. Teaching these skills will help them develop independence, reduce anxiety, and make friends with people different from themselves.

I hope you found this blog informative and the information helpful. If you are interested in learning more about Applied Behavior Analysis and the services Behavior Matters, LLC provides, please send an email to

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