Sunday, January 23, 2022

Social Skills Series: 3 Games That Teach Kids To Cooperate

Applied Behavior Analysis is a way to teach children with autism to learn basic skills that are important for everyday life. This article lists 3 games to help improve your child's social and emotional learning.

What is Applied Behavior Analysis?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a science that helps us understand how behavior works. Behavior analysts study how people learn, think, and behave. They then use what they have learned to help people with problems interfering with their ability to do things. The goal of ABA is to increase desirable behaviors while decreasing inappropriate behaviors. It is always used positively. Applied Behavior Analysis is a behavior-change methodology designed to make life better for people with autism and their families. 

Benefits of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a strategy of teaching that helps students learn to work together. They can discuss topics, raise their hands, listen respectfully to others' ideas, and share their thoughts with the whole group. Games are one-way children can be introduced to cooperative learning. Through collaborative learning, children learn to work with others and solve problems independently. 

How to Play Collaborative Games With Kids

Collaborative games are designed to help kids learn to work together in an activity. This type of game will usually have several parts that players need to work together to accomplish. Any number of people can play the game, but it is best when played with four or more participants. Collaborative games can be used for any age level, but the best results come when playing with children between six and ten years old. Choose a game that is appropriate for the age level of the children you will be playing with. Younger kids can play some games, but other games will be too complicated for young children.

3 Easy Games That Teach Kids To Cooperate

The power of teamwork is vast, and working together can help kids in school and beyond. Here are some easy games that teach kids to cooperate. Many easy games teach kids to collaborate. You can find them online or create your own. These are just a few ideas that can help kids learn to work together in a fun way. 

1. Waiting in Line Game 

This game is an excellent choice for the school cafeteria or any line. Choose a kid to be the leader. The other kids will wait in line behind them. When it is their turn, they will go up to the leader and say, “I would like an apple.” The leader will then respond, “Yes, you may. You may have one .” The kid will then respond, “Thank you.” And the leader will respond, “You’re welcome. ” That person will then get their food and take a seat at another table. The following person in line then steps forward to repeat the same process.  

2. Barnyard Call

Each person is given the name of an animal, with approximately three-five people having the same animal. Spread the group across a field, court, classroom, etc. No one is allowed to tell another which animal he is. At the signal, each person makes the animal's noise that he has been given. The winners are the first group to find all of their animals and sit down.

3. Hop off The Boat

Use a large sheet and a small ping pong ball. Form two sides. The object is to get the ball to fall off the other team's side for a point. Each group holds an opposite end of a bedsheet.
Place the ping pong in the middle of the sheet. Instruct teams that they can raise and lower as needed, but remind the players to be careful not to “launch” the ball (as they will be very inclined to do so). Place until the first team reaches 5 points or any number you choose.


The best way to teach our kids cooperation is to provide them with opportunities for it. The games in this article are perfect for teaching cooperation, even if they are competitive. They can also be made cooperative by changing the rules.

I hope you found this blog informative and the information helpful. If you are interested in learning more about Applied Behavior Analysis and the services Behavior Matters, LLC provides, please send an email to

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