Saturday, May 31, 2014

Why center based ABA?

What Center Based ABA?

Lately I have heard the question, "Why are you moving out of the homes and into a clinic?"  We have moved to a clinic-based model with home and community supports for many reasons.  

Materials. When you take a tour of the clinic you will see that for most skills/ goals we have at least 3 different games, cards or books that will be used to probe the skill.

Natural Environment Training. The environment is more like a child’s natural environment.  All of the therapy rooms allow for more than one child working at a time.  Through this, we work on attending skills and instructional control.  

Controlled Environment- Toys and reinforces are placed out of reach or hidden so that children have to request items and will not have free access.  This helps us to continually assess their manding (requesting) skills.  The key communication skill!  We are also able to better access the function of a behavior because we are able to control the environment.  We have smaller spaces if a clients needs to work in a quiet, more sterile space.

Therapist training and supervision.  A BCBA or BCaBA is always at the clinic.  At any given time a supervisor can train the therapist on a technique or work with a child.

Generalization. With a variety of therapist and clients working together, skills can be probed to test for generalization with different people and situations.  For this same reason, we will have some sessions in the home and or community.

Group Work.  Clients are able to work on projects together.  Allowing one therapist to lead and one therapist to take data.

Social Skills.  Clients are able to play and work with peers.  Allowing us to work on social goals and every session.  

We love working with you and your child.  We are striving to provide the highest quality of therapy.  A combination of the principles, techniques, and instructional methods of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) will be used to teach children communication skills, academic skills, social skills, imitation skills, self help skills, play skills, and any skills necessary to decrease undesirable behaviors in a small group format. In addition to learning the skills above, this format also provides each child with opportunities to practice skills that will be necessary for him/her to be successful in a school setting. 

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